Services inside and outside the EU
Have you decided to wind up your company? You can cancel your company in a number of ways. We have successfully winded up hundreds of companies in Slovakia, in the Czech Republic and Hungary. We will be glad to help you, as well.
In a situation where your business has not been successful or has not been active for a longer period, or you have decided to terminate the business for other reasons, company liquidation can be a solution. The reason for the necessity of removing the company from the Trade Register is the fact, that in case of not performing business activities, it is still necessary to perform the legal obligations in relation to the state administration bodies (to file tax returns, keep the account statements). A prerequisite for the successful removal of the company from the Trade Register is the analysis of the options for the liquidation of the company and consequently the liquidation process itself. We can provide the assessment of your company’s financial and legal situation and the possibilities of its future winding-up process through qualified lawyers, accountants and tax advisors.
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